Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: a year to remember

2011 has been an unbelievable year for us!!  Obviously the best part about 2011 was welcoming our sweet baby boy to our family.  There were lots of wonderful moments but nothing can top that!!

Here are some of our favorite moments from 2011.

We started the year off by finding out that we were having a baby boy!!
 We had a huge snow storm where the schools were out for 4 days.  
 But we missed all the snow because we were on our Babymoon.  
{a cruise to Cozumel, Grand Cayman, and Jamaica}
 My Mom and I spent my entire Spring Break making Pearson's bedding.
We traveled to Arkansas for Matt's cousin's wedding. 
 We had four lovely showers for Baby Pearson.  
We had maternity pictures taken.

I finished Pearson's nursery. 
I couldn't have been more pleased with how it turned out!

 24 hours of labor, 2 hours of pushing, and a c-section later, we welcomed our son to this world.

Pearson Davis Link
7lbs 15oz.
21 1/2 inches
 We had family pictures made that I will cherish forever. 
We had lots of lazy days in June because Matt was able to take off 3 1/2 weeks of work. 
I started my new job as a full time Stay at Home Mom. 
 Pearson's cousin Olivia Reese St. John was born on July 26th. 
We celebrated my 27th birthday, Matt's 29th birthday and our 3rd anniversary!!
 The Rangers had an unbelievable season and came so close to winning the World Series.
 Pearson's had his 1st Halloween. 
 Pearson took his 1st road trip to Austin, TX. 
 Pearson celebrated his 1st Thanksgiving. 
We have watched Pearson grow and change. 
Pearson had his 1st Christmas. 
We enjoyed celebrating as a family of three.  
 We look forward to 2012 and all that it will bring!!


  1. That is a truly blessed and special year! Wishing you a wonderful 2012!

  2. I love this post! What a great year.

  3. I love this post! What a great year.

  4. amazing year! It's crazy to see how much changes in a year! (where did you get P's brown and white sweater outfit??)
