Thursday, January 05, 2012

gettin' in shape

Matt gave me some new running shoes for my birthday.  They are Nike+ shoes so I got the Nike+ chip to go with them for Christmas!!
 I'm having so much fun setting up my work outs on my phone.  It's neat to be able to know how far I'm walking and how many calories I'm burning.  I haven't worked out since early November so I'm trying to get back in the swing of things by taking some long walks with little P and the pup. 
This app will be nice when I start the C25K program.  I still haven't decided when I'm going to start it.  I don't want to start until all the really cold days of winter are gone, but I'd like to run a 5K before summer when it gets really who know when I'll start!! For now I'll just continue to take longs walks and do work out videos at home. 

In other health/fitness related news.........all my baby weight is officially gone!! I totally forgot to post about his before Christmas.  The week before Christmas I went to my last WW meeting for the year and I had lost 12.4 pounds for a  total of 8.25%. This morning I weighed and I lost my final pound to put me back at my wedding weight!! I'm soooo incredibly happy to be back to my normal weight.  I'm still going to go to my WW meetings this semester to keep me accountable to maintain my weight.  

Now it's time to get toned up and in shape!!


  1. Hey! I know a great 5k you can do in May (that was training is in the spring time!) Its the Katy Trail 5k. It's in uptown which is not that convenient for you, but it's really fun! There is a huge party at the end where all these vendors from Dallas hotspots bring small samples of food. Like queso from Mattitos, cookies from PokeyO's, pizza from Grimaldis, etc. Probably 30+ booths. There is also free beer which always seemed so gross to me post running but lots of people love that :)

  2. Congrats on meeting your weight goal. I just finished up day 2 of Couch 2 K. You could totally start at the end of February and run a 5 K in April or May. No problem. Pretty shoes too!

  3. Right now is great running weather! Why wait? Congrats on losing all your baby weight! Someday I'll be able to say the same.

  4. Congrats on losing all of your baby weight! I hope to lose all of mine by next Christmas, but we'll see how that goes after the baby is here!

  5. Cute shoes!!! :)

    And a HUGE congrats to you on losing the baby weight and in time at that!! WTG!!

  6. I told myself after I had Olivia I was going to get back in shape to do a 5k. I didn't live up to it. Two kids was more than I thought it would be I guess. Congrats to you and your weight loss and good luck on your training for the 5k. Let me know know how you like doing one.

  7. Congrats. You are an inspiration! I need to be back walking now that we are back from AR.

  8. Yay congrats on getting down to pre-baby weight. I was eating healthy and running every day in the summer/fall. I had lost close to 20 lbs just in time to turn around and put it all back on for Baby Adcock. Hopefully it will come off quickly post baby. Another perk to breastfeeding-burning 800 calories in a day :)
