Wednesday, January 11, 2012

taco bites

My blog has been a little quiet this week because Little Man is teething, which equals Mommy not getting much sleep.  Last night Pearson was up from 11-2 and then again from 4:30-6.  I'm pretty tired.  I went to the grocery store today, paid, and walked out of the store.  The cashier came out saying "Ma'am,  Ma'am" but I didn't even turn around because I didn't think she was talking to me.  Finally she tapped my shoulder to tell me I had forgotten my groceries.  Ha!!  I'm just a little tired.  I've lost more sleep this week I think than I did when he was a newborn.  He's always been such a good sleeper, so I'll be glad when this teething thing is over.  

Anyways, I just wanted to share with you a quick and easy recipe, because that's the kind of things I've been cooking lately!!

Taco Bites
You'll need....

Wonton Wrappers

1 lb of Ground Beef

Taco Seasoning

Any Taco Toppings that you prefer

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.  Brown the meat and add taco seasoning according to the package.  Spray your muffin tin with Pam and place a wonton wrapper inside of each cup.  Put a scoop full of taco meat on each wonton wrapper and sprinkle with cheese.  Bake for 8-10 minutes then top with the toppings of your choice.  We put tomatoes, cilantro, sour cream and hot sauce on ours!!

We thought these little Taco Bites were pretty good.  I'll definitely be making them again, and I can't wait to try some more recipes out with wonton wrapper!



  1. mmm, those do look good! And easy too (i always like that)! :)

  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    This looks so good! I just pinned it on Pinterest.

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I can relate. My 5-month-old went from sleeping 6-7 hours straight, to getting up every 2-3 hours. I went to the grocery store yesterday and left my shopping list at home. I remembered to bring a sale ad for price matches, but left it in the car and had to walk myself and baby back out to get it.

    Hope this passes quickly for you!


  4. This is one of our favorite recipes...

    1 lb hot pork sausage
    1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
    1 1/2 cups shredded monterey jack cheese
    1/2 cup ranch dressing
    1/3 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
    1 jalapeno pepper , seeded and minced
    1 (16 ounce) package wonton wrappers

    Brown sausage in a large skillet over medium high heat, stirring until it crumbles and is no longer pink. Drain on paper towels. Combine sausage and next 6 ingredients. Coat 4 miniature muffin pans (1 3/4 inch) muffin pans with cooking spray. (or make in lots of batches like me) Place won ton wrappers in pans, using fingers to create fluted shape. Lightly spray wrappers with cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes, turning pans after 4 minutes. Spoon 1 heaping tablespoon filling into each won ton cup. Bake at 350 degrees for 9-10 minutes or until browned and throughly heated.

    Read more:

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Where did you buy the wonton wrappers? I've been to 4 different grocery stores and cannot find them anywhere!

