Sunday, February 19, 2012

baby boom

Our ABF is definitely having a baby boom.  Matt and I were the first to have a baby and now there is a 3 month old baby boy,  a boy due in 2 1/2 weeks, a girl due in April, a boy due in June, and 2 more boys due in July.  And who knows if their are even more on the way!!  Pearson is about to have lots of little buddies!!!
Today we celebrated Jennie and her sweet baby boy on the way.  
The hostesses had the cutest diaper motorcycle for a centerpiece.  
Here is an awesome step by step tutorial I found on Pinterest!
Mr. Beckett didn't have any clothes so we filled up his closet with lots of cute clothes.  
Kristin {& baby girl} Jenny, and Anna {& Baby Weston}
 Julie {& Baby Knox}, Carissa {& Baby Landry}, and Julie
 Sarah, Natalie, Andrea and Tammy
 Me & P-Man, Denise and Michelle

I just love all the girls in my ABF!! This year is going to be so fun to see so many of them step into the new role of being a Mommy!!

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