Friday, February 03, 2012

in the club

So I joined the club today....

.....the "I locked my baby in the car" Club.  

Ughh....major Mom fail.  

Looks like I won't be getting Mom of the Year this Year.  

So here's the story......

I was out running errands.  I opened one side of the car and realized I would have more room to get Pearson out on the other side.  Apparently I had already locked my car and when I went to go get him out on the other side the door was locked. I had just locked my baby in the car with my phone in there as well.  

I seriously didn't know what to do.  I just stood there panicking for a minute because I didn't know if I should just ask a stranger for their phone or run in to Michael's or DSW to use their phone.  I mean I didn't want to leave Pearson all alone, but my car was locked.  Nobody could get him.  Thankfully before I had to make a decision a sweet little lady saw me and asked if everything was okay.  I told her what had happened and she gladly offered me her cell phone and told me she was in no hurry at all.  

Praise the Lord that there are still nice people in this world.  

I called Matt and asked him what I should do.  Thankfully Pearson was asleep in the car and it wasn't too hot or too cold outside so he was fine.  Matt called my Mom and explained the situation to her.  She was about 10 minutes from my house so she went and got my spare key.  

After I knew that my Mom was on her way, I gave the lady back her phone and thanked her for saving me!!  She started to pull out and then stopped and handed me her umbrella.  She said, "Honey, it might start pouring down rain so you just keep my umbrella."  Seriously.....sweetest little lady ever.   It didn't rain, but it did drizzle a little while I was waiting.  I'm definitely thankful she gave me her umbrella though.  

My Mom said she was on her way at 12:45, and she finally got to me 1:20.  Pearson woke up at 12:50 and was just as happy as could be for about 10 minutes. He was talking to himself in the mirror, chewing on his shoes and just looking around.  He finally spotted me outside the car at 1:00 and just lost it.  He cried/screamed for a solid 20 minutes until my Mom got there.  I felt terrible that I couldn't do anything.  

After my Mom got there with my spare key, I quickly got in the car and got Pearson out.  Poor guy, he was so sweaty.  It's hard to believe how hot he got from being in there for only 35 minutes on a mild day.  I think he was mainly so sweaty from getting all worked up and crying.  He calmed down very quickly though.  I still felt so bad.  We all went into Michael's and shopped around for a while.  I wasn't about to make Pearson stay in his car seat right after I locked him in there for 35 minutes.  It was so sad while we were shopping around, every now and then Pearson would just start to whimper and cry.  It was like he was remembering being left.  

So there you have it......My official "I locked my baby in the car" Club Membership story.

But it looks likes I'm not the only one in the club.  I posted about this on facebook and 11 other Moms said they were in the club too!  It happens to the best of us I guess!!

Anyone else out there in the club?


  1. I think it may be just a Ford thing, but we can call each other's cell phones and unlock the car through the phones. You just have to have two cell phones in an open conversation. The person who is not near the car who has the other set of keys or FOB just points it at his or her phone and hits the unlock button. The signal travels to the phone near the car and it unlocks the car. Even though your phone was in the car, I believe it would have worked with the nice ladies phone who helped you. It just has to be two different cell phones.Try it sometime. Like I said though, it might just be a Ford thing.

  2. I think it may be just a Ford thing, but we can call each other's cell phones and unlock the car through the phones. You just have to have two cell phones in an open conversation. The person who is not near the car who has the other set of keys or FOB just points it at his or her phone and hits the unlock button. The signal travels to the phone near the car and it unlocks the car. Even though your phone was in the car, I believe it would have worked with the nice ladies phone who helped you. It just has to be two different cell phones.Try it sometime. Like I said though, it might just be a Ford thing.

  3. Not sure why this posted twice...............

  4. So funny... I had to read it out loud to Jay.

  5. I haven't done it (YET!) but I've been so close several times. I think it's worse with two! Last week I waited for a locksmith with another mom outside of Target. Her little girl was 7 months old and she was in hysterics. It was a beautiful day and her little girl slept the whole time. I kept trying to tell her that everybody does this and she is NOT a bad mom! We are incredibly human! At least it's out of your system now :) Thanks for sharing

  6. Aww..You are an awesome Mommy, you are human! :)
