Friday, March 30, 2012

iPhone rewind {march}

It's time to rewind my iPhone and post all the pictures that don't ever get posted anywhere!!

It's been beautiful weather for swinging in the swing Lolly & Pops gave Pearson. 
 One night we busted out the Marble Works at parents house.  Me and Drew used to play with this all the time, so we had fun showing Carson how it worked!
My little non-napping stinker! 
 Somebody found the toilet paper and the flusher. 
 While Pearson was sick he took some hard core naps.  I seriously didn't know what to do with myself.  
 Chillin' at Chick-fil-A
This gecko can either be seen on Izzie's doghouse or Pearson's window seal.  He is always there.  I think we need to name him. 
 We are so cool.  Pearson looks like a little linebacker.  
Snacking on some puffs and watching some March Madness with Daddy.  
Pearson always crosses his feet when he play, it's so funny! 
 Trying to sneak a sip of Mommy's Sonic drink.  He has no idea what to do with a straw though. 
His crooked paci didn't seem to bother him.  
 He was passed out, but one eye was still open.  Creepy!!
 Swing in the hammock together!! Love my sweet boy!!
Pearson loves bathtime!! 
 We found a stray dog while we were on a walk and delivered it back to it's owners.  
Gettin' ready for bathtime!!
 BJ's dinner date with my boys.  Mini Bruschettas and Lettuce Wraps.  Yum!!

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