Sunday, March 25, 2012


My poor little guy has forgotten how to sleep through the night so lately

For a week or two I was convinced he's was teething again.  

Then the next week he had a stuffy nose. 

Then the next week he had a nasty cough.  

And this past week I have no idea what's going on. 

He just won't sleep through the night.  
Last night he was up from 12:30-2:00.  He is not always up for that long, but I have had to get up atleast once a night for the past month to pat his bottom or give him his paci.  Sometimes I've had to nurse him and a few nights I've ended up sleeping with him in the guest bed.  I swear this past month has been harder than when he was a newborn.  Atleast when he was a newborn I expected to lose my sleep. I've been so used to him sleeping 12 hrs that getting up in the middle of the night is even harder now. 

So lately, this house has been running on LOVE and DIET COKE.

{On a side note: We dedicated Pearson to the Lord at church today.  We had a friend take pictures for us, so I'll share our special day with you as soon as we get our pictures!!}


  1. Aww..Poor Pearson and YOU! Congrats on Pearson's dedication! So special! :0

  2. Oh my goodness.. I feel your pain. Chelsi is 7 months old and only slept through the night a handful of time..

    I need that sign but instead of Diet Coke it's just regular Coke. HA

    Hope Pearson start's sleeping through the night very very soon..

    And How wonderful that y'all dedicated him to the Lord..

  3. I've been silently following your blog for a few months and had to chime in to give you some hope! My son, almost 2, did the same thing when he was about Pearson's age. And then again about a year later. We figured out it was a developmental growth spurt. Shortly after he started sleeping though the night (again, finally!) he started walking. And then this year he started talking. It does end and your precious son (and sleep) will return! It's so tough though in the moment! Hang on!

  4. I should have read your post before tweeting you this morning! Hope he gets back to his 12 hr schedule SOON...for everyone's sake!
