Tuesday, March 13, 2012

project life {week 10}

I'm actually on time getting this post up this week.  Maybe it's because my sweet boy took a 2 hr nap this morning.  I could sure get used to that!!
 Highlights this week: Pulling up in the crib, Meeting baby Beckett,  & Naptime in Target
 Hightlights this week: Wes' 1st birthday party, Discovering the Tupperware cabinet, Caprese Salad, Watching Matt play softball
Cost this week: $0.97 prints at Target

The Mom Creative


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    love your pages! what is it with babies and tupperware?! thanks so much for sharing - really lovely pages you've done!

  2. pages look great! love the baby in the crib picture and just OUCH! on the scrapped up knee...


  3. Great pages..I can relate to your husbands leg. My husband's legs look like that all summer long when he plays softball so what a great idea to include in your album. I will have to remember that on his first scabbed leg!
