Thursday, April 26, 2012

pool time play date

This afternoon me and P met up with Christine and Naomi at the pool.  We were the only ones at the pool today.  It was fabulous!!
 Mr. P was all over the place. He was definitely not afraid of the water today.  
 Little Miss Naomi was walking all over the place.  She would walk to the "deep-end" (less than a foot) and Pearson would follow, but since he could only crawl his face started going underwater.  He got his first taste of pool water today! Yuck!!
 While we were there he also got a little taste of a woodchip, a rock, a leaf, and even a roly polie.  I had to pull everything out of his mouth except the roly polie.  He immediately spit it right out!!  He is definitely all boy.  
After we swam for a while these two put down some cheerios, puffs, goldfish and yogurt melts.  They literally ate every last snack that we both had packed!! It was so cute to see them trying to share their snacks.  
We look forward to lots of pool play dates this summer!!!


  1. What cuties they are.. :)

  2. They are cuties! Our pool isn't open for another week or so, but I'm a wuss and it must be much hotter for me to go swimming!:)

  3. Looks like a fun day at the pool!

    I have to ask...whats a roly polie?

  4. Great pics - Thanks for posting! We had fun; looking forward to joining you again (maybe with more snacks in tow). :)
