Thursday, April 19, 2012

a splashing good time

Today was a beautiful day.  Clear skies and 82 degrees had the pool calling my name.
Pearson went to the pool 2 times last summer, but I'm sure he doesn't really remember it, so I feel like today was his first time at the pool. 
 I thought he was going to absolutely love it (since he loves bathtime), but he would not let go of me for the longest time.  
I have to admit, the water was a little chilly since it was so windy, so it probably just took him a while to get used to the cool water.
 We had the pool all to ourselves for a quite a while, and he did not let go of me one bit. But as soon as other kids came and he saw them playing and he just jumped right in.  It was like he needed to see someone else play with the water to feel comfortable doing it himself.  
 He loved playing in the fountains.
I'm so glad Pearson loves the water.
 I see lots of afternoons at the pool in our future.  Especially since he came home and took an almost 2 hr nap!!
 So who wants to join us at the pool next week for a splashing good time?


  1. Looks like our little man was having a good time. He looked so cute in his little swim wear. So glad you post lots of pictures. I miss seeing my sweet boy!

  2. Sign me up! Looks like fun!

  3. I wish I wasn't so busy this week so we could have gone. Next week is supposed to be warm we will definitely be going.

  4. Let me know, Kaitlin loves the water. I'm free most days during the week or towards the end of the week.


  5. What a super fun time with you and your little man! Plus what great naps he'll have and what nice relaxing mama time you will have:) ENJOY!

  6. So fun!!

    Would love to join you guys for a pool date! ;)

  7. Soon he'll be ready for a slip n slide!!
