Saturday, June 16, 2012

let's parrrty: presents

Pearson was ready to open presents before we were. 
After we cleaned him up from his smash cake he crawled right over to his presents and just started digging in.  
I had to do all of the opening.  He wasn't really into the opening part.  
 He just wanted to play with his new toys. 
 He's really into stacking things so he's going to love these little stackers Nonnie gave him.  
 He is also loving wheels these days so he got lots of fun cars to play with. 
 Vroom! Vroom!!
 Oma & Joe gave him $20 and he didn't really know what to think of it.  I can't wait to do a little shopping for him.  I'm thinking I'm going wait for some summer clothes to go on sale to stock up for next summer!!
 Mom and Dad got him a Cozy Coupe car.  I can't wait to put it together.  He is going to love it!!
 Grammy and Grandaddy gave Pearson the neatest little toy. It is a little cat that moves around and it senses him chasing it.  It was so cute to see Pearson chase the little cat around. 
We are so blessed by our family.  Thanks for all of the fun gifts!!
We gave Pearson a little lawn mower. 
 It was definitely the hit of the party.  Pearson loved it!! 
And so did his cousin Carson.  He kept taking it, and Pearson would just follow him around. 
Preston even got in on the lawn mower action!
 All the cousins had such a good time playing with all of Pearson's new toys. 
 Pearson is going to have a ball playing with all of his new toys. 
 Yay for birthdays!!!
And that's a wrap!!


  1. they got some of the same presents! Hudson also got the beach ball sprinkler, mower and cozy coupe! fun presents!

  2. So fun! Adelyn wasn't into opening her gifts either! I've been watching garage sales for a mower.
