Saturday, June 16, 2012

let's parrrty: the guests

Since most of our friends from church are just now having babies we decided to do a "small" family party.  I say "small" because there was still 22 in our family that came.  And that wasn't including my brother and his girlfriend who couldn't make it. He has 7 cousins, so it wasn't like there weren't any kids at his party.  He had so much fun playing with all of his cousins. We love our families so much and it was so fun to celebrate with them!!

These were my two favorite guests!! My sweet hubby and the little boy of the hour!!

Four Generations with my Mom and Nonnie 
 Four generations with Dad and Oma
Lolly & Pops
Grammy & Grandaddy
Uncle Ryan, Aunt Ashley and P's cousin's Carson & Olivia
Carson loves his Pops 
Oma & Joe enjoying some of Nonnie's homemade ice-cream.
Pearson always loves playing with Nonnie's necklaces
Grammy & Grandaddy signing Pearson's guestbook. 
 Little man loved all the yummy food we had. 
 It was pretty hot outside, but Uncle David, Aunt Jenn, Ellie, Emma, & Peyton braved the heat.  Atleast it was 102 like it was last year when Pearson was born. 
 All the food was SO good!!
 Carson loved the red velvet cupcakes. 
 And so did the LeBlanc kiddos.  
Aunt Jenn & Preston 
Uncle David, Peyton, & Uncle Bryan
 Aunt Ashley & Carson
Ellie, Aunt Nicole & Emma 
Peyton & Carson
Nonnie's homemade ice cream was  HUGE hit.  It is seriously the best ice cream I have ever put in my mouth.  
Lil' Olivia 
 And we can always count on my Dad as being the Party Pooper!!
Thanks everyone for coming to Pearson's party!!

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