Sunday, June 03, 2012

lolly & the boys

My Mom is keeping Carson this weekend while his parents and sister are out of town, so this afternoon we all went to the pool together!!

Hopefully we'll check off something other than pool playdates on our 2012 Summer List this summer.  We already have another date planned with some girlfriends from my ABF on Friday.  I don't think there will be a shortage of pool playdates, that's for sure!  
My Mom stays pretty busy with her little business, Tried & True Designs, so it was fun to have her join us at the pool today!!
Pearson had fun crawling around and watching Carson.  We even went and took a dip in the big pool today!
Such a fun afternoon with Lolly and the boys!!

1 comment:

  1. I know Lolly enjoyed every minute with her sweet boys!
