Friday, June 01, 2012

new friends

Pearson and I got to hang out at the pool with some new friends today!! I met Jennifer at church a few weeks ago and I was thrilled to find out that she stayed at home with her 18 month old little girl Isabel.  
We had been trying to get together for a few weeks but it just kept falling through.  One week I was sick and another week Isabel was sick.  This week we finally made it happen and we got our little ones together for a pool playdate!!
 When my little man wasn't on the go, they played really well together.  And of course Jennifer and I enjoyed having some good Mommy chat. 
 Goldfish are always a hit at the pool with the little ones.
 Isabel was so sweet to Pearson, which is a good thing since she is going to have a little sister in August!!
Pearson and Isabel totally hit it off.  Can you tell?
This definitely won't be the last time we get together with our new friends!!

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