Thursday, June 21, 2012

not what we had planned for today

I was so excited to check off one of "my" things on our Summer List today.  I was going to start a Bible Study at my parents church this morning but things didn't go quite as planned.  
I woke up Pearson from his morning nap, got him all loaded up just to find my car battery was completely dead.  My Dad came and jumped it, then we spent the morning hanging out in an Auto Repair shop, eatin' Cheerios, and watching a worker put in a new battery in my car.  

I'm hoping next week things work out for us to go to Bible Study.


  1. Not fun! It was probably even more difficult having to keep a very mobile baby entertained while you waited too!

  2. When I first saw this I was like why is Ryan's truck in your drive way. Ha! I guess im still not use to him driving big ugly. Glad you got a new battery finally.

  3. what a bummer!

    PS is that a reuseable snack bag? i've seen them...but haven't tried them yet.

  4. Car problems are always a bummer. Hope the rest of your weekend goes well!
