Wednesday, July 11, 2012

if you're happy and you know it

Tonight while I was cooking dinner I put on a Baby Einstein video for Pearson.  He was really getting into the song If You're Happy And You Know It.  I had the video camera close by so I was able to catch his little performance on camera.  I just love the way that he "stomps his feet".
That's a pretty sweet farmers tan he's got going on too! Ha!!


  1. Ha! Olivia was playing with her singing Elmo tonight and kept playing that song over and over.

  2. Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Yes, his version of foot stomping was pretty funny!

  3. What a cutie!!! Our little Harrison loves to dance too!!

  4. So adorable!! And I love the tan lines :)

    Adelyn doesn't pay any attention to the tv. I don't mind that, but sometimes it'd be nice to have that to keep her entertained for a few minutes!

  5. So cute! He's got moves!

  6. haha! I love this! Hudson does a little bounce thing like that. If we say "bouncy bounce" he will do it on command!
