Wednesday, August 29, 2012

project life {week 27, 28, 29, & 30}

Don't forget to enter my Pink Pear Tree Gifts giveaway here!!

Whew!! Almost caught up!! I've got weeks 31-34 all printed and put together.  I just have to finish all the journaling and I'll be totally caught up.  I didn't really mean to take a break from Project Life this summer, I just got busy and it got neglected.  But, this is what I love about Project Life.  I just caught up on an entire month in about two hours.  You can't do that with traditional scrapbooking.

So without further adieu.....

Week 27
 Highlights this week: 4th of July party @ The LeBlancs, Meeting new babies in our ABF
 Highlights this week: Softball, Splitsville, Swimming with Daddy
{Sorry this pic is blurry.}
 Week 28
 Highlights this week: Cow Appreciation Day, Family Walk, Pooltime, Brushing our teeth, Celebration Park
 Highlights this week: Popsicles, Playing at the Park, Saturday Breakfast Date, Meeting Landry
 Week 29
 Highlights this week: 13 months, Playing at the Mall, CFA date w/ Cinnamon
 Highlights this week: Carson's 4th Birthday Party
 Week 30
 Highlights this week: Water Table, New Toys, Olivia is 1, Courtney's Shower, Saturday in Sherman
Highlights this week: Playing at the mall, Purpose Playdate, Cousin Love, Lunch with Daddy
And hopefully I'll be back sooner than later with weeks 31-34!!


  1. I love the "cherish every day". I'm sure parenting is hard, but it damn sure beats the alternative EVERY day!!!!

  2. Great pages! Lots of wonderful memories recorded to enjoy looking at.
