Friday, August 31, 2012

project life {week 31, 32, 33, & 34}

Don't forget to enter my Pink Pear Tree Gifts giveaway here!!

I did it!! I'm all caught up.  Even though it really wasn't all that big of a deal to get caught up on 8 weeks of Project Life, I vow to stay caught up so it only takes up a tiny chunk of my time each week.

Week 31
 Highlights this week: Olympics, Petting Zoo, Olivia's Birthday Party, Hawaiian Falls
  Highlights this week: HOT, Chick-fil-A day, ABF Pool Party, Baby Bounce
 Week 32
  Highlights this week: Frisco City Grill, New MacBook Pro, Daytime Date, DQ, Pearson & his tongue
 Highlights this week: Aquarium, Bumbo, Mommy was sick
 Week 33
  Highlights this week: 14 months, Playdate w/ Ethan, Jamie's Baby Shower
 Highlights this week: Kidville, Favorite Snack, Blankie, Daddy's Shirt, Mommy's Cup 
Week 34
Highlights this week: Hawaiian Falls, Climbing, 2nd Haircut, Visiting Oma & Joe
Highlights this week: Sno Cones, Gymboree, Children's Museum, Making messes

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