Monday, August 27, 2012

train park

While we were out running some errands at the mall this afternoon, we stopped at the train park for a bit.  Our summer is almost over so I wanted to squeeze in a quick trip to the train park. Even though it is cooler this week than it normally is in August, it was really still too hot to play outside.  I let Pearson run around just long enough that I could snap a few pictures, so we can mark it off our summer list!!
We'll definitely have to go play at the train park again when the weather cools down even more.

We only have a few more things to finish up on our 2012 Summer List.....
Sprinkler Fun
Make Homemade Ice-Cream
Rangers Game
Fairview Fountains


  1. Pretty cute little engineer!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Looks like fun! Where is the park located? Pete and Tim would love it.

  3. These pictures are precious! I love that you said you had to at least get pictures! I say this to John all the time! Ha!

  4. Where is this? Dylan would go bananas!

  5. Never been here. Where's it at? My boys would love it!
