Monday, September 10, 2012

10 on 10 {September 2012]

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

This morning I was up and out of bed way earlier than I normally am to get myself all ready for our first MOPS of the year!
I pack Matt's lunch for him every morning.  
Little man hands me all of his pacis and his blanket every morning when he first wakes up.
Pearson was entertained this morning with my to-do list and two pens for a good 20 minutes this morning. 
After MOPS I stopped at Einstein's to feed Pearson his lunch and use a $1 coupon for my favorite bagel......Cranberry w/ Honey Almond Cream Cheese.  
Pearson's MOPS teachers must have really worn him out because he fell asleep in the car around 12:30, I transferred him to the crib and he slept until 3:45.  
Monday is laundry day at The Link Home. I just do all the loads all in one day.  I don't like have laundry going all week. 
This afternoon I watched a little bit of all of the afternoon talk shows.  
I was not impressed at all with Steve Harvey.  I miss the Nate Berkus show.  
Ellen was hilarious as always! I love that show!!
I just watched a little bit of Katie and it was okay.  I love Katie, so I want to like it, but we'll just have to see!
I've been running consistently since June and I have been doing Couch to 5K for the last 5 weeks.  Today I ran for 20 minutes straight, and it wasn't all that hard, it's just incredibly boring.  Ugh, I hate running.
Tonight Matt went and played softball so I was on evening/bedtime duty by myself.  Part of our evening included watching a Praise Baby in his bumbo.  Silly boy!!
It's so nice to be back in the swing of things with our fall schedule!!
Hope you had a great 10th!!
ten on ten button


  1. Is Matt's lunchbox pink?? ;)

    WTG on the awesome nap Pearson! I bet you got lots done in the afternoon!

    Good job on your you have TVs you can watch while running? That is what usually gets me through a workout.

  2. I love the 10 on 10! That picture of P sitting in his bumbo seat watching the video is so cute. So funny that he likes sitting in it. I have got to have some real time with my sweet boy real soon!!!!!

  3. Good for you running everyday!! If I'm running by myself and not infront of a tv, I constantly tell myself I'm too bored to keep running. eve with music, it's kinda torture! But way to go! :) And yay for MDO naps :)

  4. Love his outfit. It was one of my favorites of Carson's!
