Tuesday, September 04, 2012

1st day of mother's day out

Today Pearson went to his first day of Mother's Day out!! He is doing Mother's Day Out one day a week on Tuesdays at the church that I grew up in (and the church my parent's still go to).
I love my sweet boy to death, and I love being home with him all day/everyday but I've been so excited about him starting "school".  I'm excited for him to get some socialization with other children his age in a structured environment and I've definitely been looking forward to 5 hours of time to myself.

Anytime I am not with Pearson, we are either at church, I'm at MOPS or Bible Study, or my parents are keeping him because Matt and I have something to be at.  I think the longest that I have been home alone without Pearson is about an hour when my parents have taken Pearson on a walk.

Just because we have Mother's Day Out on Tuesday mornings now doesn't mean we will miss our free breakfast at Chick-fil-A.  We just had to get there earlier and watch the time since he had to be at school at 9am.

 Pearson is in "The Creeper" room with 5 other children, two 10 month olds, two 15 month olds and one 16 month old.  He's right in the middle of the pack being 14.5 months old.
Pearson's teachers are Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. Gail.  Mrs. Tracy is a friend of my Mom's and Mrs. Gail actually kept me and my brothers in the nursery at church when we were little!! How fun that she gets to keep a 2nd generation!!

Pearson is a great eater, but I had no idea what he would eat while at school.  I packed a pretty big lunch so he would have lots of options.
{edamame, gerber cheese crunchies, grapes, toddler trail mix, turkey & cheese, zucchini muffin}
He ended up eating quite a big of it!! All that playing must have made him hungry.

And tired!!
He didn't take a nap while he was at school (which was no surprise to me), so he crashed the moment I laid him down.  I think it's safe to say that he had a great day at his first day of Mother's Day Out!!

And I have to say I had a pretty great day too! I didn't do anything exciting, but it was nice to have some time to myself.  I spent my day running a few errands, cleaning out our guest bedroom, folding laundry, cleaning the floors, straightening the house, eating a quiet lunch by myself while watching Bachelor Pad, and sewing a wrap for a friend!!

I'll be back tomorrow with a fun {Pinned There Done That} post where I share the little gifts I made for Pearson's teachers!!


  1. Wasn't the bachelor pad good this week? I thought so! You fixed him such a good lunch! Dylan never eats anything I send him, but eats it all when he gets home! Maybe I should give him some more variety!:)

  2. They were Carsons teachers too!

  3. So glad he did well! What a nice time to yourself! :)

  4. Our little guy is growing up too fast! Such cute pictures. I loved all of them. So fun to see what you sent for his lunch and what he ate and seeing his teachers and his cute little golf bag Lolly made. Love the Cheerios on the door mat. A little pre MDO snack huh? Cute outfit too for first day of MDO.

  5. Too cute!! Love how you packed his lunch!

  6. I love all of the sweet little pictures of Pearson going to school! I know he is loving it and it will be good "you" time:) Enjoy and I can't wait to see all the cute little gifts you made for his teachers! Also I am in love with his little backpack:)

  7. You got such great photos of Pearson. He is just so cute! I can't figure out that picture of him in his bed. What is the white thing?

  8. You got such great photos of Pearson. He is just so cute! I can't figure out that picture of him in his bed. What is the white thing?

  9. He looks so cute! I'm glad he had a great first day. And I love his new golf diaper bag!
