Sunday, September 02, 2012

a little slice of summer

Matt and I love watermelon, so I was excited to let Pearson have his first taste of it this summer.  Unfortunately, Pearson has not really been much of a fan of watermelon.  
We we got this picture at our July 4th session with Brooke Richardson.  I thought I was going to have to consider this our "watermelon experience" for the summer.  It looks like he's eating the watermelon in this pictures, but he put it up to his mouth and immediately threw it out of the wagon.  I'm so surprised she was even able to capture this picture. 

I've been trying to get Pearson to eat watermelon all summer long, but he just hasn't been interested......

.......until this week.

Instead of giving him little bite size pieces of watermelon, I decided to give it to him larger chunks.  It was like he was eating an entirely different food.  He loves it now!
Here are some pictures I snapped from my phone!!
Yum, yum, a little slice of summer right before summer is over!!


  1. Maybe the other ones weren't as sweet. I love watermelon. I have a big juicy one cut up right now!

  2. How funny! Glad he likes it now!! :)

  3. Kids in high chairs with food... Pretty cute stuff right there!!!!

  4. So glad he has decided he likes watermelon now because it is good stuff! Seeing these pictures is giving me Pearson withdrawal pains pretty bad. I need to see my boy up close and personal!!!!!
