Saturday, September 15, 2012

baby shower brunch

This morning I helped host a fun little baby shower for my friend Michelle.
Parker is one loved little guy!! We had a great time celebrating him and his Mommy, eating and chatting!!
We had a delicious spread of food at our shower including......
 Yogurt Parfaits
Sausage Balls
 Banana Bread
 And not pictured: Egg Casserole, Coffee, Iced Mochas, and Izze Sodas
 I know I always say this after each baby shower, but I really do love these gals.  It's so fun to celebrate with each of them as they get ready to welcome their sweet little bundle of joy.  
 Michelle is the only pregnant gal left in our class.  
Now, really.......who's next? 


  1. I'm doing a brunch for Graham's birthday! I'm planning to do a yogurt bar as well!! Looked super cute! Good job!

  2. Cute shower. My moms name is Michelle and little brother is parker so it's funny reading this

  3. I hate that I missed it! My bet is Julie Z. or Alicia Z. Is next... we'll see if they are reading this ;)

  4. LOL...somehow I missed this post whenever it was originally posted, but Carissa told me about her comment at church this morning! I don't know who will have the next pregnancy announcement, but if it's us don't expect an announcement soon. As far as I know we have no news to share :)

  5. Very useful information on baby shower brunch and hope this will help me in arranging my cousin’s baby shower party next month. Have already booked one of graceful Los Angeles event venues and hope to have a good time there.
