Friday, September 14, 2012

last weekend....

Don't forget to enter my Ladybug and Lizard giveaway here

Last weekend we had absolutely no plans.  It sure is nice when that happens, and we can just have some relaxed time with our little family of three.   From what I hear, as your kids get older, "no plan weekends" don't happen all that often.  Our Saturdays will soon be filled with soccer games, baseball games, birthday parties, etc.  I think all of that will be fun, but for now I'll enjoy our low key, no plan weekends.  

Last weekend the weather was great.  It dropped into the mid 80's, so we decided to go for a walk after breakfast.  Pearson even went in his PJ's.  I guess it was too early for pictures, because he would not look at the camera!
 While we were out walking, one of the high school's marching bands was marching through the neighborhood.  I grew up in the same town that Matt and I live in now, but this wasn't my high school.  Since I graduated my town has built a second high school.  It's so weird to be in my hometown and see another high school.  Weird.
 Pearson enjoyed hearing the band play.
 One of the band members even gave him a sucker!!
 What a fun little surprise to pass by on our morning walk.
I always enjoy our family walks but this one was especially nice because of the cooler weather and the band!

And on the contrary.....this weekend will be quite the opposite.  (Except for the cooler weather) I'm hosting a baby shower Saturday morning and celebrating my Father in Law's birthday Saturday evening, then we have a busy day at church with a guest speaker in the morning and the evening.  And somewhere in there Matt will squeeze in some time to watch the Rangers, the Baylor Bears and the Cowboys!!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow morning.....err it might be more like tomorrow see who won the Ladybug and Lizard giveaway.

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