Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 on 10 {October 2012}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

My car is still in the shop so we hitched a ride to the gym and grocery store with my Mom this morning.    Pearson still sits rear facing in my car so it's always a treat when he gets to face forward in Lolly's car. 
My little lunch buddy.
I love how happy this little dude wakes up from his nap.
I put make-up on for the first time since Sunday. 
We made a banana pudding for Daddy for our anniversary tomorrow. I sure know how to make a mess when I cook.
Pearson watching a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I got ready. 
 I love the way he plays with his trucks.
 Pearson can officially open our doors.  He got into the pantry this afternoon.  Ugh....I guess it's time to get the doors baby proofed.

I was all ready for my date with my hubby and Pearson was excited to go play with Lolly & Pops!!
 Happy {early} Anniversary to us!!


  1. oh dear! Hudson is trying but hasn't figured out door knobs yet.

  2. wow your little boy is precious! so glad I found your blog...well technically, Chelsea sent me from YOURS TRULY. haha. excited to be your newest follower and read more posts from ya!

  3. I tend to make messes in the kitchen too... Especially when I make multiple things for parties or events... Starts to look like a hurricane hit my counter tops. :)
