Monday, October 08, 2012

abf fried food cook-off

On Saturday night our ABF had a fun Fried Food Cook Off at The Zellners House!!
Alicia and Michelle did a fabulous job planning the party.  They had a sweet batter and a regular batter prepared and had two fryers for everyone to use.  We all brought something to fry for a competition.  There was a winner for sweet and a winner for salty.
We all spent a little time in the kitchen frying up our treats!!
I think the only person that didn't spend anytime in the kitchen was Matt, but that's because he was entertaining our busy little boy!!
And thankfully quite a few others helped entertain him as well!!

Alicia had a photo booth set up for us to take fun pictures, and little man so much fun playing with all the hats.  
He wasn't the only one that had fun with all of the props!!
{The Howards}
{The Goodings}
 {The Hares}
{The Zellners}
{The Hutchisons}
{The Girls}
For our treat we brought Pioneer Woman's Bacon Wrapped Jalepeno Thingies
Although they didn't win in the salty category, they were pretty dang good!!
 The other options in the salty category were.......

Fried Green Beans
 Fried Avocado
Fried Onions
 And not pictured: Fried Squash

 For the sweet options we had......

Fried Bananas
Fried Strawberry Cake Balls
Fried Reece's Peanut Butter Cups
 A look at all the fried food from upstairs!
And the winners of the night were Tom with his Fried Avocados and Tim with his Fried Reece's Peanut Butter Cups.  Their take home prizes were corn dogs!!!
 And because we kept Pearson up WAY past his bedtime he spent the later part of the evening watching a video on my iPhone.  Isn't this picture hilarious?
Thanks to the Zellners for hosting and thanks to Alicia and Michelle for planning such a fun party!!


  1. Ok I love that last picture!! I love they have the same look!

  2. These are the best pictures! Thank you so much for taking them. It really was a great night of fried food and of course fun! :)

  3. This is such a fun idea!!! Looks like you guys had a blast. :)

  4. Fun party idea!! I bet all that food was so good!

  5. Haha! What a fun party idea!!! Love the photo booth!!! The older I get the less likely I am to take pics... Gotta get back on that!!

  6. I love the last photo too. Pearson looks so grown up in that photo on the right when he is trying on the hats wearing his big boy jeans.

  7. What a fun party...the food, the photo booth, all the friends! too fun! :) And everything looks really good!

    The last pic makes me father, like son! :)

  8. How fun is that?!?! Any party that involves fried food is bound to be a hit!

    I love the last photo! precious!

  9. Anonymous1:47 PM

    These are great pics! Following you back :)
