Thursday, October 25, 2012

boo on ballard

Tonight our small town {that is not so small town anymore} had it's annual Halloween Festival, Boo on Ballard.  Matt had to work late again so Pearson and I headed up there with my parents. 
 We met up with my brother and sister in law and the cutest little Raggedy Ann & Andy.
 Twenty-seven years ago Ryan (my big brother) wore this costume. 
And I wore this costume.  My Mom made every last stitch of them.  They are completely homemade.
See? Weren't we cute??
We stopped at the Community Center for the Costume Contest to enter our little cuties. 
Not only were Carson and Olivia's costumes re-used, but Pearson's was too.  Carson wore this costume  3 years ago when he was the same age. 
 When Pearson walked up onto the stage he turned into a different kid.  He sat completely still.  I was in shock!!
 My little golfer got 1st Place and Olivia got 2nd place.  The crazy thing is that Carson got 1st place 3 years ago when he wore this too!!  
 Every winner deserves a sucker!!
And the coolest part about them winning is that I think they will get their picture in the paper for winning!!


  1. I think the baby picture of you looks just like Pearson! He costume is too cute!

  2. I cannot believe how much Pearson looks like your baby picture! Too cute! :)

  3. Carson looks exactly like his dad!

  4. Carson looks exactly like his dad!

  5. Isn't it so much fun to see our littles in the newspaper? My family got 2 fair photos last July when visiting my parents in the Midwest. Great memories for the scrapbook! Congrats on the win. That golf outfit is great. My mama used to make my costumes too. The one I remember best was a ladybug.
