Tuesday, October 30, 2012

iPhone rewind {october}

Here's all the random iPhone photos I took this month........

Pearson found one of his old pacis from when he was a baby and was walking around the house with it in his mouth like this.  
 He loves him some yogurt!!
 Walking around the house in Mommy's shoe or as he says "shu".
He discovered that he can climb up to the top at Chick-fil-A. 
Pearson played with this empty Sonic cup and straw for a good 10 minutes.  He was so intrigued with the sound it made going in and out.  
 This is why I love the Barber Shop I go to.  He has toys to play with while we wait!!
 3rd Haircut
Pearson actually sat still in my lap for Story Time.
 Mmmmm breakfast......our favorite meal of the day!!
 Just chilling in his toy box.
 Lunch with my little man. 
 My Mom made these super cute shirts for Pearson and Carson for Halloween.
Anxious to get in the bath! 
 Pearson loves to watch the trash truck on Friday mornings.
Pearson's new way of walking around the house with me.  He grabs on to both of my legs and walk in between them. Silly boy. 
 Picking up some meds at CVS.
 I love it when it's quiet in his room and I come in to find this......
Trying to look like a golfer like Daddy with one of his hats!! 

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