Monday, October 22, 2012

owen's big orange pumpkin farm

This morning Pearson and I met up with our MOPS group at Owen's Big Orange Pumpkin Farm.
It was a little warm and super crazy busy, but we still had a good time hanging out with our friends.  Before our friends got there I took the opportunity to take some more pictures of Pearson with some pumpkins!! I just don't think you can get enough pumpkin pictures!!
Pearson can not keep his tongue in his mouth these days.  He is getting two new bottom teeth in and I guess he just loves to feel them with his tongue.  He is a little drool monster.  
Can you see how happy he is that I just let him run around? He was in heaven with the freedom!!

And even though my little pumpkin never really smiled for any of his pumpkin pictures, he' not for sale like the sign says!!
After all of our friends from our table group arrived we went to feed the goats. 
These goats were crazy.   Two of the goats fought almost the entire time we were there and one of them had blood all over it's head from the other one bucking his horns at him.  Definitely not a petting zoo!!
After feeding the animals, we went on a quick hayride. 
MOPS has been such a blessing to me already this year.  It's so wonderful to be able to get together each week with other SAHM's.  We just all get each other and can relate to each other since our lives are similar.  Not only have we (the Moms) meshed so well together, but our sweet kiddos love each other too.  
They are all starting to recognize each other and play with each other so well.  When Naomi sees me now she just says, "Pearson?".  She doesn't really care to see me, she just wants to see Pearson.  
And after our fun morning at Owen's Big Orange Pumpkin Farm we all met up at the mall for some Chick-fil-A and some playing in the play area!!


  1. Adorable pictures!! Pearson looks so big :)
    The pictures of you and Pearson are so cute! :)

  2. He is just do cute! Love his little shirt!

  3. Loved seeing Pearson with all his MOPS friends. Love the pic of him trying to pick up that very big, heavy pumpkin. My little grandson is just too cute for words!!!

  4. He's so handsome. :) Love that little guy.

  5. He is just too cute! I'm having the same problem with Stella - there's just too many other things to look at besides the camera ;)!

  6. Those goats were definately CRAZY!

  7. He is so cute!!

    Looks like a great time was had.
