Wednesday, October 03, 2012

puff stuff

One of my friends posted a cute activity that she did with her son and it got me inspired to get started with some toddler activities that I have pinned on Pinterest for Pearson. Pearson is at such a fun age and the teacher in me is super excited about all the fun we are going to have together learning, doing projects, crafts and activities each day. Pearson loves to put things into containers and "clean up", so I knew that he would love this activity. Plus it's was FREE!!
For this activity you will need: 
a container (I used sour cream), pom pom balls, ice pick, & scissors
I poked hole in the center of the lid with the ice pick then cut a circle (a little bit smaller than the pom pom balls) with the scissors.  The original one I saw on Pinterest had five holes, but I just did one.  I might go back and add some more though
 After I showed him what to do, he quickly got the hang of this little activity.
 He played with it for 15-20 minutes this afternoon after his nap and then he played with it again this evening for 15-20 minutes after his bath.  Winning!!
 After playing with this for a while, he realized that the pom pom balls were soft and he kept rubbing them on his lips. Silly boy!!
 This toddler activity is definitely Pearson Approved and it made his Mommy super happy that he was entertained with it for a good while! We will definitely be pulling this activity out periodically, and I hope to create a few more activities like this to always have available to him when he gets tired of his toys.
 Love this sweet boy!!


  1. Awww...thanks for the mention in your blog! I look forward to doing that activity soon. I hope Kaden enjoys it as much as Pearson did!!

  2. I made this a couple years ago for Bubs and he LOVED it! We still find stray puff balls now and then when we sweep behind furniture. :-)

  3. Love it! That was one of the most fun things I loved about being a preschool teacher, coming up with fun fine motor skill activities for the children.

  4. Such a cute idea! I'm definitely going to try this with Carter. He loves to help pick things up anyway

  5. Hi I'm visiting from Your's truly. It looks like your little guy is having fun with his project

  6. Such a fun activity!
