Saturday, October 20, 2012

pumpkin patchin'

We took our 2nd annual family trip to the pumpkin patch today.

Trying to get our little pumpkin to actually look at the camera was a challenge.  
 I think this is the only picture we got of him looking at the camera.  
 Pearson was much more interested in walking around and looking at the pumpkins.
Although oddly enough, he was most interested in running around in this empty field.  Silly boy!!
We picked out one little $4 pumpkin and we were on our way.

I'm so thankful for a fun little morning with my boys!!
And because I love a comparison picture.  Look at how much our little pumpkin has changed in a year. 


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    love the comparison pics! too cute!

  2. Wow, that applique is almost the same. Love these photos.

  3. So cute that you have the comparison pics. Love Lolly's little monster shirt. Our little guy's getting so big!

  4. Too cute!!! Love his shirt!! Where did y'all go?

  5. Awww I love your cute little pumpkin:) What a difference a year will make. It sure looked like ya'll had a fun pumpkin patching!
