Wednesday, October 31, 2012

trick or treat

Pearson isn't really old enough to understand Trick or Treating, but since my parents and grandma and some of their good friends live on the same street we decided to go over to their street.   We rang my parents doorbell.....
 .......he took one piece of candy......
 ......and ran.  Maybe he does get it!!
While we were at my parent's house Carson and Olivia showed up!!  
Lolly & Pops with their cute little grandbabies!!
 Carson showing off his muscles.  I asked him where he got his muscles and he said, "at my house".
We wanted to get a picture of the kiddos so we gave the babies a sucker.  I opened Pearson's up, but Ashley didn't open Olivia's up. 
 Olivia realized that Pearson's was open and went after it.
 Pearson just looked at her like she was crazy.
 And then pushed her away!!  This picture is just hilarious!!
Sweet Cousins
 The St. John's
 My sweet family!!
After "trick or treating" we came back home to pass out candy to our Trick or Treaters!!

1 comment:

  1. Love them all!! So glad our "babies" are so close.
