Saturday, November 24, 2012

black friday in my PJ's

Are you a Black Friday shopper??
I am SOOOOOOO not a Black Friday shopper.  I think my Mom and I got out once while I was in college and it was just not our cup of tea. Everywhere was too crowded, there were no parking spots, and the lines were just too long.  

I have seen this floating around Pinterest and Facebook and it is SO true. 
 Part of the reason I don't ever think I will go Black Friday shopping is because now that I stay at home during the day I can go shopping and run errands while everyone else is working.  This means no lines, great parking spots and it isn't crowded anywhere.  Except maybe Chick-fil-A at lunch time!!  When I go out in December on the weekends or after 5pm I just get so frustrated.  

I did however, do a little online Black Friday shopping in my PJ's this weekend.  

I got a half price (but actually FREE since I had giftcards) 16x20 canvas print of Pearson from Erin Condren,  a super great deal on a new watch from Macy's for Matt, a little outfit from Children's Place for Pearson, some batteries from Lowe's (Ha!) and the most exciting deal was a refurbished iPad.  I'm super excited about my Christmas present this year!! I've been wanting one for a long time.  I realize that there is no real need for an iPad, but I just really wanted one! I had a little online garage sale and saved up enough money to buy my own Christmas present.  It was the only way I could convince Matt to let me get one.  Although I think he's pretty excited to have one too!! 

What great deals did you get this weekend?

Stay tuned this week because I'll be posting pictures of my re-decorated Christmas tree. I'm kind of obsessed with it! I absolutely love it!!  


  1. I redid my tree this year too!!!! We also got a new tree last year the day after Christmas. I'm in love with my new decor!!!

  2. I went black Friday shopping at midnight last year in was fun, but tiring! This year I opted out and instead went to Firewheel around 7pm Fri. night, and it was really nice! Carters whole store was 50% off and I got some cute outfits for the little people in my life! :) Old Navy had a good sale too!

  3. Were you able to sell the fountain? I've been meaning to ask you.

    We got out later in the afternoon on Friday and Saturday and I scored most of my Christmas gifts - clothes from old navy, a few toys from Target and HEB Plus (where I missed out on what would have been a $31 FP Servin' Surprises table because I'm an idiot and didn't get my butt there sooner even though it was right by my MIL's house), a few movies, some sleepers from carter's, etc. Overall successful but I'll be kicking myself on that table for a while... oh well, we don't really have room for it anyway.
