Thursday, November 29, 2012

do not ring the doorbell

Last year when I had a little 5 month old around Christmas I discovered the beauty of online shopping.   I had never been much of an online shopper because I just hate paying shipping.  I quickly learned that around the holidays lots of places do free shipping so I love online shopping now.  It's so much easier than dragging around a toddler!!  And you can shop in your PJ's.  The only problem I have found with online shopping is that when our USPS lady, UPS man or Fed-Ex man come to deliver our packages they always seem to come during naptime, ring the doorbell, make my dog go crazy and wake my sleeping babe.  It took us 10 long months to learn how to take long naps, and even still he wakes at the drop of a hat, so if you wake my baby, I am not a happy Momma!!  

Today I was expecting two packages so I decided to let the UPS man know!!
Thankfully the UPS man followed directions and didn't make a peep dropping of  my packages.  Pearson took a nice long 3 hour nap so I would have been so mad if it was interrupted.  

I think for the next package that I'm expecting I'll add a smiley face and Merry Christmas so I don't come across so rude!! Ha!! I just needed the UPS man to know that he better not wake my baby!!


  1. I have a note on the door like this too and the little neighbor girl came over during nap time ringing the doorbell many times and yelling into her wallow talkie at her sister. I ran to the door and was almost yelling at her (in a whisper) to please not ring the bell. I think I kind of scared her.

    You wake my baby and I will bite ;)



  2. I have a note on the door like this too and the little neighbor girl came over during nap time ringing the doorbell many times and yelling into her wallow talkie at her sister. I ran to the door and was almost yelling at her (in a whisper) to please not ring the bell. I think I kind of scared her.

    You wake my baby and I will bite ;)

