Tuesday, November 20, 2012

pearson reads the bible

Pearson loves to read his Bible.  We have The Beginner's Bible by Zondervan and we all love it!

We keep it on Pearson's night stand so he can look at it whenever he wants.  He loves to just turn through all the pages and he also loves for us to read it to him.  I love it because the pictures are so cute and I love how all the stories are retold.  This is even the same Bible I had growing up as a kid!!

Here is a sweet video of Pearson reading his Bible and even saying "Bible" and "Jesus".  


  1. I had that same Bible-it's still on my book shelf. So glad to know they are still printing it. It's what I use when my nieces come visit as well. Pearson is so cute with his Bible!
