Monday, December 24, 2012

christmas eve {part 2}

After my family had our little celebration, my Dad's side of the family joined us for dinner and gifts. 
Pearson and Olivia were so funny fighting over toys and even fighting over Matt!!
After a little while of playing with Matt they decided to hang out with my brother, Ryan, who has gone all Duck Dynasty on us with his big fluffy beard!!
 Pearson got a fun little dinosaur Leap Frog toy from Oma and Joe. 
He was much more interested in Carson's Leap Frog toy.  My cousin Mikel was so sweet showing him how it worked. 
Oma & Joe
Mom & Dad surprised Oma with a coffee mug with a picture of all five of her great grandkids.  She thought it was the neatest thing she had ever seen. 
My Dad had me take this picture so he could compare it to past Christmas pictures.  He and my Mom used to not fit in this chair together, because my Dad filled up the whole chair. Since my Dad had lap-band surgery over 2 years ago he has lost almost 200 lbs and now they both fit in this chair!!
My Aunt Lisa & Uncle Mike
After a candlelight service, gifts, dinner, more gifts and a little wrestling with Carson, Pearson was totally pooped. 
We didn't get home and get this little guy in bed until 10pm.  
And thankfully he doesn't know how exciting Christmas morning is, so we are hoping he sleeps in a little bit tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Your dad looks amazing! That's so wonderful and inspiring to see how well he's done after surgery!
