Wednesday, December 26, 2012

christmas with the links

This morning we headed to Matt's parents house.  It normally takes us an hour to get there but with the crazy snow we had on Tuesday, people were driving extra cautious and slow so it took us two hours to get there.  Little man was not happy about the long(er) drive so we were so happy to be with family when we got there!!
Grammy fixed us a delicious meal.  Pearson ate a little bit of everything in his high chair, but after we were finished eating he wanted to sit in the big chairs!
 After lunch it was time for presents.  Can you tell my nephew Preston was just a little bit excited?
 I love how we open gifts with Matt's family.  We all open one gift at a time starting with the youngest going to the oldest until we are all done.  It takes a while, but it's so fun to see what every one gets.  Pearson gets to open first since he's the baby of the family!!
 Pearson got a little bored in between opening his gifts so we had to constantly keep him entertained tickling him......
......opening up his new toys.......
.......and playing with his cousins toys. 
At one point Uncle David thought he saw Pearson put something in his mouth so Aunt Jenn started digging it out and it ended up being his snack!!

I am the youngest adult on Matt's side of the family, so it always feels weird opening my gifts next to the 11 year old!! This year my in-laws gave me the neatest gift.  They gave me a spoon bracelet.  The silver is from my Grandmother, Oma.  These pieces are from her original silver set from Germany.  Sadly it was all stolen except for these last two pieces that were used for my bracelet.  How special is that? 
I just love giving gifts to our family.  And I love it when they love their gift. We gave Grammy a much needed new chili-pot.
 We gave our sports lovin', Baylor lovin', RG3 lovin' nephew this RG3 shirt.  He LOVED it!!
 We gave Ellie some clothes in her favorite color, lime green!
 And we gave Ethan a little laptop computer. He loved it, but so did Pearson!! Thankfully Ethan got some other cool toys so he was okay with Pearson playing with his new computer. 
 Grammy and Grandaddy got Pearson the cutest little golf club set.  
It didn't take him long to figure out how to push the bag around, and he can already swing at the balls.  He's definitely making his Daddy proud!
 After presents we had some fun family competition with a little Minute to Win It....Christmas Style!!  This deserves a whole post for itself!! We had a blast!!
 And it wouldn't be a Link Family Christmas without a little Mexican Train.  
I really think one of the greatest things about being married is gaining another family.  I just love Matt's side of the family and I love spending time with them around the holidays. 

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