Wednesday, December 19, 2012

dear santa,

Dear Santa-
Since we didn't get a chance to chat about what I want for Christmas the other day, I thought I would send you my list via my Mommy's Blog. 

Here's what I'm wishing for this year.......

Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair
Football Beanie
Tried & True Designs Hungry Caterpillar Library Book Bag
(This picture is the girl version.  The one I want for Pearson's looks just like the book!)
Kid Sized Hooded Towel
Foam Bathtub Letters & Numbers
Little Tykes Golf Set
Lakeshore Chunky Critter Crayons
(or any chunky crayons)
B Toys Musical Instrument Set
Fridge Farm Magnetic Set
24 month zipper footy pajamas
24 month Soft Play Clothes 
Tool Bench

Anything with Wheels

Board Books
Especially Board Books about Cars or Trucks!
Love- Pearson

P.S. Maybe next year I won't scream when I sit in your lap and I can tell you in person what I want for Christmas


  1. I can't get over that picture! It reminds me of the one of Dylan I have... We haven't been back since. I love your list, gave me a few ideas! We just did a magnet wall( idea from Pinterest) so that farm would be great! I do plan on getting them the alphabet one if I can find it! We got Graham the B. Drum as well!:)

  2. Kaden got some of the same toys! It's gonna be a fun Christmas!!

  3. I know this is an old post but can you tell me the brand of that tool bench, please?
