Sunday, December 09, 2012

family fun at the park

**Don't forget to enter The Polka Dot Factory Giveaway going on right now!! 

Yesterday was the perfect weather for a little playtime at the park.  We have a really awesome park not to far from our house so we decided to check it out.  I went once with my SIL, but Pearson was too small too actually play.  He had a good time exploring the park. 
He loved having the freedom to roam around as he pleased.
Look at my serious boys.  Like father like son, huh?  I could not get Pearson to crack a smile. 
 I just love seeing my boys together!! I see many more Saturdays at the park in our future.
A cold front is coming through tonight so there won't be any park playtime tomorrow, but we live in Texas so it will surely be back up in the 70's later this week for us to play again.  Pearson took a 3.5 hour nap after playing in the park, so we will definitely be doing this more often!!


  1. That's so funny. Pearson is very serious! I can't get Landry to close his mouth (except to blow bubbles). And I am right there with you, I love seeing my boys together!

  2. I take Lucas to the park a few times a week right before nap or bedtime and he ways sleeps like a champ

  3. I take Lucas to the park a few times a week right before nap or bedtime and he ways sleeps like a champ

  4. so fun! we love going to the park!!
