Monday, December 31, 2012

iPhone rewind {december}

I got back on the Instagram Bandwagon this month so I have lots of iPhone pics to share.  Sorry if you follow me on Instagram and you have already seen these!!

My little boy who loves to use everything to climb.
 Story time with Daddy before bed.
 Pearson made a little collection of all the things he is not supposed to have.
(my point and shoot camera, the nail clippers, the remote, a USB drive, and a bobby pin)
 Helping himself to a snack.
 Building puzzle in a box. 
 Traffic jam in the bathroom. 
 Walked away for a second and this kid was on the coffe table. 
 Pearson was sick one day so we had to stay home from church.  I hate it when he is sick. 
 Loved my new houndstooth ribbon on my tree. 
 Modeling a babydoll in my K'Link for a craft show at my church.
 Pearson LOVES to eat with a fork.
Pearson wanted to sit in Aunt Ashley's lap at Storytime and Oliva was not very happy about it.  
 Hanging out on the floor reading a book and eating a snack at the doctor's office. 
 I love how he still sleeps with his little bum in the air. 
 Mesmerized with this light up Christmas tree toy at Kirkland's.  It kept him busy for a good 45 minutes while Mom and I shopped!!
 Sliding at the park down the street from our house. 
 He's a little climber.  
Love this boy!!
 Holding Mommy's hand on the way home from the park. 
 Blurry but so sweet of my baby boy!
 Wrestling with Daddy before bed. 
 Returning our library books. 
 The only kind of deer I'll see in the road in our neighborhood. 
 Pulling all of his clothes out of his drawers. 
 And making a little couch with them to read. 
Ouch! I ran into my our trunk in front of our bed and broke my toe. 
 Seriously, why does he have to climb. 
 Chili and cornbread is the perfect meal for a cold night. 
 I thought we were having a little preview of the terrible 2's but then I realized that he was getting one of his canines so that kind of explained his mood and behavior. 
 It's such a sad day when I have to take down our Christmas tree. Our house always looks so bare without it. 
 How do we have this many toys in 18 months. Crazy.  And this isn't even all of them.  
Packing up all of his baby toys and all he wants to do is play with them.  
 Using his milk as a bench for one of his OLD toys. 
 Kid in a Box.
 Giving his milk a right in his "Too Too"
Whew! I'm impressed if you made it to the bottom of this!!

1 comment:

  1. That photo of Pearson's collection of off-limit things cracks me up!! And so sorry about your toe... I did that a couple years ago, it's the pits!
