Tuesday, December 04, 2012

oh christmas tree

The past four years I have decorated our tree with just red and gold.  I have always loved it, but I was ready for a little change this year.   
Last year one of my college roomies posted this picture of her Aunt's Christmas tree and I was totally inspired.  I already had the gold and red covered, I just had to add the green and black & white. 
I absolutely love how it turned out!!
I went with a houndstooth ribbon and green mesh ribbon that I got at hobby lobby for 50% off.  I also added lots green glass ball ornaments that I got at Target last year for 75% off!
I made my topper a little simpler this year and just did red and green sprouts.  I re-used the red sprouts and added the green twirly sprouts that I got at Target last year for 75% off!!
I used 3 yards of fabric for my tree skirt.  No sewing needed.....I just tuck under all the edges and it looks great!
I also kept with the same color scheme in my packages.  I bought all the wrapping paper last year at Targer for 75% off as well.  (Except for the green is from Hobby Lobby for 50% off) 
One of my favorite changes to our tree is that we moved it this year.  It's normally by the window, but because of Pearson's toys we decided to rearrange some furniture and put in a different place.  I love how we can open our bedroom door now and see our beautiful tree!! We were also able to put our tree on a wooden box to raise it about a food because our ceilings are higher where we have it this year.  
 I take tree decorating pretty seriously! Ha!  I like my tree too look like a department store tree, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Pearson starts bringing home "cute" little ornaments that he makes at school.  Maybe we'll have a special tree for all of those sweet little ornaments because I'm pretty sure they won't fit with the theme on my tree! Ha!  Although I take tree decorating seriously, I really don't do too much more decorating in the house for Christmas. I really need to work on my mantel.  It's pretty pathetic.  This year I did decided to move our two little front porch trees inside.  I really like how they added to our mantel. 
I also drug out all of our Christmas books this year.  Pearson won't sit still to let me read them to him, but he's enjoying having a new selection of books to look at. 
And I also bought new stockings this year to match our new color scheme.  I had been borrowing stocking from my Mom but they just didn't look good with the bright green on my tree.  I got these for $5 a piece at Hobby Lobby and I may or may not have bought a few extra for a future baby or babies!!
Next year my goal is to have a super cute mantel to go with fun new tree my tree.

And now I'm off to Pinterest for some inspiration!!


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    very pretty, Katy!

  2. Looks so good! You can always put those "cute" little ornaments in the back like your Mom did!!!!!

  3. Looks so good! You can always put those "cute" little ornaments in the back like your Mom did!!!!!

  4. I think your mantle looks great!

  5. Looks awesome! My tree is still not decorated! It's up, just nothing is on it!:)

  6. Love your tree. Beautiful! You know I have the Grandchildren's tree that they can decorate and un-decorate as much as their little hearts desire. So I think a children's tree would work nicely for all those kid made ornaments you will have in the future.

  7. I love the attention to detail in your wrapping!!!

  8. Can you come do my tree next year!? Amazing!
