Saturday, January 26, 2013

a visit from Grammy

Yesterday Grammy came to visit us for the day! Matt's parent's only live an hour away so we get to see them atleast once a month, but not near enough.  We were so happy that Grammy came down for the day to spend time with us.  Pearson literally read every single book in his room with Grammy. 
 Grammy used to teach Story Time at the Library where they live so we headed up to the library so she could experience Story Time with Pearson!!  He had to have a front row seat when they did the felt board activities.  He loves Story Time so it was fun for Grammy to get to see him enjoy it!!
After Story Time, we went to get a slice of Pizza for lunch then headed back home for more books, puzzles, and playing with trucks.  Pearson and Grammy made quite a few laps around our "race track". Pearson loves to drive his cars around the wooden edge of our coffee table so we call it the race track.
Thanks for coming to play with us Grammy.  We can't wait for you to come see us again!!

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