Wednesday, January 30, 2013

iPhone rewind {january 2013}

Thank you so much for all your comments on my Swim Lessons post.  I'm so thankful for the little community I have here on my blog.  Thank you for the comments you leave, for the encouragement you give and just for reading my silly little blog.  I don't think I tell you guys that enough.  

Anyways.....I've been quite busy taking pics on my iPhone this month.  And just about every picture is on Instagram, so if you don't follow me there, you should.
 ::Kindergarten Toys::My Boys::Puzzle Boy::
::Driving the Buggie::New Friend with a Jeep::Cousins at the Park::
::Salad Lover::Date Night::A Visit from Grammy::
 ::Rainy Day Activity::Too Many Toys::Proud of his Tower::
::No Nappin' Boy::Love my Leopard Snuggie::Saturday Morning::
::Grocery Store Entertainment::Shark Boy & Daddy::Sneaky Boy::
::Banana Boy::Olivia's Kitchen::Fav Garage Sale Toy::
::Playdate with Landry::Bangs::Wonder Woman in a Tractor::
::Back in the Gym::Lazy Morning::Pushing Olivia's Shoulder::

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