Wednesday, January 23, 2013

my new little job

So a couple of weeks ago the perfect little job fell right into my lap.  
A sweet family at my church needed someone to watch their three girls (19 months, 5 and 7) on Wednesdays, 2 during the day and all 3 after school. It's the perfect set up because I am getting paid to take care of their kids, but I get to have Pearson with me! Their youngest is the exact same age as Pearson (they were born in the same day) so they have everything I need for him during the day......age appropriate toys, snacks, food for lunch, whole milk, a changing table, a pack n play for naptime, a double stroller, a wagon, baby gates on the stairs, an extra monitor, and did I mention tons of toys that we don't have. Seriously, it's the perfect job for us!!

The only thing I'm going to have to get used to is getting out a littler earlier than we are used to and getting in a little morning traffic.  We have to leave at 7:30, which is the earliest we ever get out of the house for anything.  Pearson doesn't even usually wake up until 7:30 or 8, so I have to wake him up which is something I rarely do.  Thankfully he's a happy camper in the morning, even when I have to wake him up!!  As far as the traffic goes, they don't live far from us, I just haven't found the quickest way over there yet.  We'll figure it out though.  
Last week we stayed at home all day because it was pretty cold and I wasn't so sure I was ready to venture out with three kids. We had a fun day playing but it was a pretty long day being cooped up inside all day. Today we loaded up and headed to the library for Story Time.  It's crazy how small my car feels with two cars seats and a booster seat. And it's also crazy how much longer it takes to get out and about with three kiddos.  Even though it took us a while to actually get into the library, we had such a good time!!
It's definitely a different world at their house with pink EVERYWHERE.  Even with all the pink, Pearson stays pretty happy.  He knows where all the wheels are in the house!!
He has a ball playing with all of their toys that we don't have at home.  His favorite is definitely this Step 2 slide.  He goes down face first everytime!!
 In the afternoon both of the babies take a nap and I get to do things like tea parties and Barbies with the middle child!! Such a different world from the balls, trucks and tools at our house.  Also, since she is going into Kindergarten next year, I get to do some reading and learning activities that I used to do with my old Kinder kiddos.
They live right around the corner from the bus stop so we just walk over there in the afternoons to pick up the oldest. is this not the sweetest picture if them holding hands.  She so funny because she calls him "Pearston" or sometimes she even calls him "Max".  It is a neighborhood friend and she gets them mixed up.  I try to correct her and tell her that it is just Pearson, but she just can't remember so he's pretty much "Pearston" over there.
They also live right around the corner from an awesome park, so today after homework and after school snacks, we headed to the park for almost and hour. Other than me sneezing my head off, we had a great time playing outside in the beautiful weather.
Like I said, this really is the perfect job for me. I have been so blessed to be able to stay at home Pearson full time, but now I feel extremely blessed to have been given the perfect little part time job. It's so nice to be able to bring in a little money but still never have to leave Pearson!


  1. This is great. So glad the opportunity came up for you to do this.

  2. That's awesome! I saw that post and thought it would be awesome for someone like us (just not me with the needy infant). Very cool!
