Saturday, January 12, 2013

parent's night out

Our church has a wonderful ministry called Parent's Night Out.  On the first Friday of the month the church offers 4 hours of childcare for $11.  ($18 for 2 kids and a max of $25 per family) It's seriously the steal of the century when it comes to babysitting!!  We definitely plan on utilizing this every month as one of my New Year's Resolutions was to have a kid-free date night each month!!

Last night we dropped P-Man off at the church and headed to BJ's for dinner.  We love BJ's.  It's one of our favorite restaurants.  There are so many things to choose from on the menu and it's all sooooooo good.  We even had a gift card from Matt's birthday so that made it even better!!
As we were finishing up dinner I told Matt that I wanted to get a crepe.  I have no idea why I thought of that, it just sounded good to me.  So we got on our iPhones and googled "Crepes in Dallas, TX" and we found this awesome place called SweetMix in Richardson not far from the church.  We got a Banana's Foster Crepe and it was to die for.  Seriously........Best.Crepe.Ever. I think we might make SweetMix our go-to dessert place on our Parent's Night Out date nights!!
I'm already looking forward to next month's Parent's Night Out!!


  1. Oh my word... that crepe looks fabulous. Makes me miss Paris in a bad way!

  2. Um yea..that looks SO good! YUM!

  3. That crepe looks amazing!
