Sunday, February 10, 2013

10 on 10 {february 2013}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

This morning Pearson woke up a little earlier than normal so he hung out with Daddy in bed while I got ready for church.  
All ready for church.  Pearson loves going to church.  He can even says "chuch" now when we tell him we are going to church. He loves his teacher Ms. Marie and he loves playing with all of his friends.  
I went to check on him after ABF and they were having snack.  I just love this little table that they have in their classroom. It just cracks me up to see all of their little feet hanging out!

I normally work in the preschool as a hall coordinator every Sunday, but today I had the morning off to go to worship. I haven't been to worship since August.  I didn't realize how much I missed it.  It felt so good to be back.  
After lunch we headed to my parent's house for lunch with the whole family.  I posted the rest of our pictures from our afternoon at Lolly & Pops here.  There were just too many cute ones not to share. 
Pearson has discovered the piano at Lolly & Pops house and he loves to play it!!
Once we got home, I put Pearson down for a nap and I finished up Pearson's Valentine's for his MOPS teachers and MDO teachers.  I think these heart shaped strawberry and red velvet cake cookies turned out so cute.  I'll have to post the recipe for them later this week. So easy and so yummy!!
Matt trimmed up the trees and did some other yard work while P-Man was napping.  
Pearson only took about an hour nap so he was a grump when he woke up.  we decided to snuggle together on the couch and watch a Mickey Mouse.  That definitely put him in a better mood.  This kid LOVES Mickey Mouse!!
After playing for a little while we headed back up to the church for small group.  We had an extra small group tonight, but it was nice to chat with the girls and talk about our spiritual goals for this year.  
And that's our 10th in a nutshell!!  


  1. We did yard work today also! And those cookies look so good!

  2. The picture of the "boys" in bed with their phones is adorable. Love my boys!!!And, that look on Pearson's face sitting at the piano is so cute! Also love the one of Pearson and Olivia at the piano. They are so cute together.
