Tuesday, February 05, 2013


A few weekends ago I bought this little playset at a garage sale for Pearson for $30.  These things are $140 new, so I thought it was a pretty good price since it is in great condition!!
He absolutely loves it!! And the weather has been great lately for a little playtime in the backyard.
I just love watching him play in it. 
When he gets to the top of the slide he says "Go"!
 Then he scoots the top of his little body forward and says, "Weeeeeee!!"
And then repeats it over and over and over and over.


  1. Those things are great to have in your back yard. I was happy to get an old one for free from my BIL and SIL. We've gone out a couple of times lately. :)

  2. I love seeing pics of Pearson playing and having a good time. He is such a happy, good nature little guy!
