Thursday, March 28, 2013

egg huntin'

This morning we went over friend's house from church for an Easter Egg Hunt and lunch.
Little Man loves going to other people's houses to play with new toys. 
It didn't take long for him to find his all time favorite toy......trucks and cars.  
 After a little play time we all headed outside for the egg hunt.  
 A few eggs made it into the basket, but most of the eggs got opened and then thrown back on the ground. 
 He didn't quite get the point of the egg hunt. 
 After just a few minutes hunting eggs, he decided he was done and just took a break from all the running around!
 Even though he didn't really get it, we still had a great time hunting for eggs!  He even found one of the prize eggs!!
He won a little Easter Bunny!!
Little man was a happy camper when he found out we were having "pee-duh" for lunch.  This kid LOVES pizza!! 
 Since he didn't quite understand how to hunt the Easter eggs, we decided to have our own little egg hunt after bathtime.  
And he still doesn't get it!
Guess we'll have to practice a little more before we hunt eggs with our neighborhood on Saturday and with our family on Sunday!  


  1. Love the pictures! Can't wait till Sunday.

  2. how cute!
    yeah, Nolan just likes opening & shutting the eggs :)
    Happy Easter!
