Friday, March 15, 2013


Have you ever bought glasses or sunglasses online? 

This was my first experience with an online optical store and I would definitely recommend it to others.  Firmoo is the World's most popular online eyeglasses store.  Years of expertise in optical industry enable to offer varieties of prescription eyewear to the consuming public in high quality yet at extremely affordable prices. 
I chose these glasses and had them made into prescription sunglasses.  The neat thing about shopping at Firmoo is that you can virtually try on these glasses.  You can upload a picture of yourself and then see how the glasses will look on you. It was definitely helpful to see how the shape and size was going to look on me without having them in my hand to try on.   
I've never had a pair of prescription sunglasses.  I just couldn't justify spending the money on them, since I mainly wear contacts and my non-prescription sunglasses.  Since I was given this pair for free, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try a pair out!!  Firmoo has glasses as low as $10 (and that includes the prescription lenses), so this is a great way for you to try out new styles of glasses for an unbelievable price.  And if you don't wear glasses, this is an awesome website to purchase glasses just as a fashion statement! would you like a pair of free glasses too??
Firmoo has as "First Pair Free Program".  All you have to do is pay shipping!!  Click on this link and it will show you the available glasses for the "First Pair Free Program".  If you don't see any you like, the free glasses list will be updated irregularly.  If you follow Firmo on Facebook, you'll be one of the firsts to know when they update their stock!  Below is a video walking you through the steps on how to get your first free pair of glasses.    
If you have any questions, you can check out their FAQ page here

Disclosure: I received this product free of charge in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions on it. I did not receive any financial compensation for this post.


  1. Cute blog! I love some of your ideas and blog posts. I will definitely have to check back on your "calling all mommies" posts when the time comes! GREAT STUFF! :)

    I have religiously ordered my glasses online for a while now. In-store prescription glasses are just too pricey for my taste! ;)

    I would also recommend Zenni Optical. I have ordered from there for 3 years now and have never had a problem. They have a similar ordering process. :)

  2. The glasses are definitely post worthy! :)
    Ray Ban Sunglasses | sunglasses for men
