Wednesday, March 13, 2013

seeds family worship

 Have you heard of Seeds Family Worship?  We are big fans.  Mainly I'm a huge fan, but I teaching Pearson to be a fan, and so far he seems to like them!!
Ever since he has started repeating things that we say I have realized that I need to be very careful what music he is listening too.  So many of the songs that they play on the radio are inappropriate for his little ears and even have curse words in them.  When he is in the car with me we try to only listen to KLTY, Christian CD's, or our Seeds Family Worship CD's.  Of course, every now and then we have to listen to KISS to get our Taylor Swift or Mumford & Sons fix, but I try to make sure that the things he is listening to are positive and uplifting and things I wouldn't mind him repeating.  I would definitely prefer him to walk around singing "Our God is an Awesome God" rather than "I'm Sexy and I Know It"........ya know??

Seeds Family Worship CD's full of scripture based songs.  In fact, it is straight scripture.....that's it.  There are no extra words or bridges or stories in the songs.  It's an awesome way for kids (or their parents) to memorize scripture.  
 Here's a preview of one of the songs that I just memorized.  It was so helpful to have this song because this verse was the theme verse of my Bible Study this semester.  
If you want to listen to some more songs, you can go here and download one for free or you can go here to listen to a few more samples.  They are so catchy and they stay in my head all the time.  I can't wait to hear Pearson singing these songs with me!!

Here's the cool part about these CD's.  They are $12.98 a piece BUT you get two of the same CD's.  The idea is for you to give one to someone that might need it or give it as a gift.  OR if you are like me, and like a good deal you can go in with someone and split the cost of the CD and get each CD for $6.49!! Not to bad, huh? 

**And because I love a good deal, if you use the code SPRING13 you can get 20% off your CD purchase through March 17th.


  1. I'll go in with you and order some if you are placing an order. If there is someone else who is placing an order.

  2. Hey Katy,

    Thanks for the recommendation! Also, I know you mentioned participating in an on-line garage sale before... was there some sort of website you used? Just looking for a recommendation.


  3. Thanks for the info! Also, you should check out the GodRocks DVDs and the Rizers on iTunes. Ryleigh LOVES the GodRocks DVDs and I do too - all of their songs are straight Scripture - she may not know all of her ABC's but she can sing the fruit of the Spirit! :)

  4. Carissa, I'll go in with you.

  5. I like Hide 'em in Your Heart with Steve Green and there are several CDs just called Scripture Songs. These are both a little more kid tunes, but they are good, I think. They are both totally scripture. Hide 'em in Your Heart does explain with a little talking in between songs. I would rather it be just the music.

  6. I'm definitely going to have to get these CDs!!

  7. The discount code isn't working for me...??

  8. I played that song for Kaitlin and she loved it, saying again, again. I will buy a few. Thank you.
